"The intertemporal allocation of consumption, mortality, and life-history strategies" (forthcoming, Journal of Bioeconomics)
"Why do women in former communist countries look unhappy? A demographic perspective" (2009, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Working Papers)
"Happiness and Sex Difference in Life Expectancy" (2009, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Working Papers)
"On the intertemporal allocation of consumption, mortality, and life-history strategies" (2009, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Working Papers)
"Household Saving Rate and a Continuous Increase in Lifetime in the 1990s among OECD countries" (2006, Meikai Economic Review)
"The Theoretical Analysis of Income and Lifetime in the Early Stage of Development" (2005, Meikai University Discussion)
"Human Capital and Longevity in the Early Stage of Deveelopment" (2005, Meikai Economic Review)
"The Effects of A Continuous Increase in Lifetime on Saving" (2003, The Review of Income and Wealth)